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Brainpaths Sensory Device

$160.00 for 10 devices 
 Minimum order of ten devices (includes shipping). Retail price is $20/each.

Brainpaths is a Neurological Medical Device with injected plastic textures to stimulate the brain as fingertips indent into the textures. Fingertip-tracing textures, fire and wire neurons strengthening synapse connections necessary for long-term memory. Fingertip tracing must be repetitious and persistent to reach 3000 mechanoreceptors under the skin. Never before have injected plastic textures been available in a device that indents into each fingertip to access 3000 mechanoreceptors located under the skin, except for Braille. 


Why use Vielight technology?


Say hello to two powerful, wearable devices at the forefront of brain photobiomodulation and biohacking.

The Vielight Neuro Alpha and Vielight Neuro Gamma emit powerful NIR beams for optimal penetration, without generating heat.

Vielight technology is safe, well-researched and effective.

Push Catch.png
Push Catch Detox Kit from Quicksilver Scientific Labs
This is an easy to use, highly effective detox.  We're offering it to health practitioners at a 5% discount.  
Click the link below, register on their website.  At the Cart page, enter the code:  KESSLER5 to get the discount.
We offer discounts on Vielight systems for practitioners!

Minimum Advertised Price

Your Price

Neuro Alpha - 10 Hz


Neuro Duo - 10 Hz and 40 Hz

Neuro Gamma - 40 Hz

Additional Neuro Applicators
Shipping:  North America - $35/1 Unit; Internat'l - $80/1 Unit (applies to Australia & W. Europe.  Other areas please call.
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